Sticky Fingers- A Comic Strip About "Personal Achievement"


Welcome to Sticky Fingers a webcomic written and drawn by the genius Josh Entner otherwise known as me. Being that this is the first strip of the site I'm well aware that it sucks, but then again few first strips are any good. All of the stips featured on this site are Drawn way ahead of the time that they will actually appear on here. This is only the first update on here but as of right now I'm already working on the 100th strip. So i can tell you that it definatly gets better from here both art wise and writing wise.

This site here is not the first one I have done although it is the first webcomic that I have done. If you would like to check out one of my past works go ahead and go to PMS. Regardless of what you may think it is from the title it is actually a Playstation site. There were only four updates to the site total and I will try to put them all into the past updates section for your enjoyment. If you would like to give any commentary whether it be you suck or you rule e-mail me at Thanks.

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