Sticky Fingers- A Comic Strip About "Personal Achievement"

It's Cool You Can Give It Alittle Vote

Took a long ass time but Sticky Fingers is finnaly ready to update. Last time there was an update I was way ahead by about 100 strips. Now I'm up to 170 so there has been some time. You (being the 3 of you that are on at this point) may be asking yourself what I have done with this great amount of time that I have spent NOT working on this site. I've been BOARD OUT OF MY SKULL THATS WHAT! With that time there has been some thinking and some creating.

The thinking is something I demenstraite often with my genius mind of mine. I got to thinking about how some of the great Webcomics Bigger Than Cheeses and Sluggy Freelance all have names for thier fans. Or both have names don't get me on a technicality please. So I have come up with the name for the 3 of you that read this strip. From now on you may call yourselfs STICKYDIKES! Yes you wear that name with pride.......or something.

Now for some bigger and better news. I have also been working on another webcomic which will not make u sit though months of bad artwork in the archives like this one. Its geniusly called Bloody Fingers. Go ever there and try to enjoy. Thats all for todays update. Stay sticky STICKYDIKES and please vote for the strip on Buzz...I ain't doing to good.

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