Sticky Fingers- A Comic Strip About "Personal Achievement"


Alright an update on about that... It may be barily on time but it is ontime none the less... Anyways....

Pants bocott going on in the comic and Rish thinks shes a French maid... Either I'm watching too much T.V. or my imagination was just in the shitter.... It's still not as strange as its going to get so stick around and find out what else I have in store for you.

On the art front of this one you may have noticed that there is more copy and paste than usual...that is because I drew some really really bad pannels and I could bring myself to put them onto the site. I mean if you think the art up there is bad you should see the pannels I didn't use.

Big thanks to two sites that have sent a link in my direction. First off Quaz of Tanatos added me to his links section...and then Liriel of BadBlood has my link floating around her site. Very cool, and very appreciated.

I've got a site that I've got to send some of you Stickydikes over myself. Mozheats by Professor K. It's a comic that has just started but the art is fantastic and I suggest you hop on the fan wagon while its still fairly new. Or if you're reading this on your way through some very long Sticky Fingers archive in the distant future I still suggest you go check it out.

I still havn't made the VOTE link for the new top comics list I'm on but I'll get around to it hopefully before the next update.. Just click the vote word vote until then. Thanks. Also please feel free to come on into the FORUM and say hi.

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