Sticky Fingers- A Comic Strip About "Personal Achievement"

It's a Wonder They're Only Blood Shot and Not Bleeding

Looking back on this storyline I see some things that if I had done them now I would of gone about it a lot differently. This whole thing seems to come out of nowhere…though I assure you it was planned. I think I should of laid some groundwork…a phone call Rish had to make or something. Nothing huge…just enough to give the impression that I didn’t just pull this out of my ass. The storyline was the result of very poor planning and only a general idea. Not my best work but I did learn from it, which you will find out in storylines to come.

I finally remembered to put up the fantastic fan art from Hammy-Burgers of Eternal Venture. I assure you it had nothing to do with the quality of the art as it is fantastic. The only reason why it took so long was that my mind wanders too quickly and I always forgot. Next update I’ll hopefully be putting up my second thing of fan art with the comic.

On another front you can see me doing a feature cameo on the fantastic comic Ravenwood. Go check it the hell out as this completely blew me away by the awesomeness. Especially the last panel… I look freaking sexy when I’m angry :P

Now some even more stuff….damn there’s a lot to go over on this update. I found two more comics that I’ll be adding to my links section. One is called Detalitum. Don’t really ask me what its about…because it’s in its early stages and very odd. However the art style is really unique and very interesting. He describes it as a comic that is supposed to give off a very schizophrenic feeling. The other comic is called The Wotch…which is a very lighthearted fun, story based comic that seems to be doing very well for itself already.

Final issue of the day, I have applied to become one of the members of a new webcomics group that as of this moment is featuring 5 very well done comics. Well… four of them I know for sure are well done… the other one I have yet to read…but do plan to read, as the quality of this place seems to be pretty high up. So I most likely will not actually become a member but go ahead and check it out…show some support. Or just hang out. The name of the place is Guerilla Press.

Thanks for putting up with the long News Post Stickydikes. See you next update. I will try to put up a new vote incentive in time for the next one.

Vigilante Artist Search Is Still Going on

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