Sticky Fingers- A Comic Strip About "Personal Achievement"


Well today Sticky Fingers got a wide variety of comics in a V-Day exchange on the CJB Forums. A lot more than I was supposed to get actually, since we were only to get one each...but there were some extra generouse people on thier.

The first one is actually from me to Chimera... though I'm getting the feeling he didn't like it...sorry buddy.

After that comes the one he sent me...with a lovely picture of Rish. Followed by one from Zhao Ri of Fortune Cookie, and finnaly one from Sephiroth. All of them are awesome well done work... with Steve acting entirly un-Steve ;)

But wait...THERE's MORE! Vote right now and you will see the special V-day Nudity I have been telling you about! Go check it out. Also I recomend voting over at Sarah Zero and Mindmistress since they are taking part in the same event! ENJOY!

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